The NPO Fukushima Dialogue’s project, titled “Promoting Community Empowerment through Deliberative Dialogues in Nuclear Disaster-Affected Areas,” has been selected as a grant recipient for the 2025 cycle of the Pfizer Program: Support for Citizen Activities and Research on Mental and Physical Healthcare. This program is organized by Pfizer Japan Inc. to provide grants to support activities and research by citizen groups.
On December 18, 2024, an award ceremony was held at Pfizer Japan’s headquarters, attended by our organization’s president, Ryoko Ando.
During the event, representatives from the Pfizer Program shared their perspective, stating, “We evaluate these projects far more seriously than you might imagine.” We are honored to have been chosen as a recipient and will take this recognition as motivation to continue contributing to Fukushima’s recovery through our activities in 2025.
The networking session after the award ceremony offered a valuable opportunity to engage with the diligent reviewers who conducted the evaluations and to connect with other citizen groups dedicated to improving society through their respective activities. Despite differences in focus areas, we were deeply inspired to learn about the endeavors of citizen actors committed to undertaking necessary and meaningful social initiatives.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the organizers of the Pfizer Program and to everyone we interacted with during the event.