
- Kiroku Project: Reflecting on the Fukushima Dialogue as a Reading Material. 2020 Subsidized by Fukushima Prefectural Government in FY2020
- OpenRadiation Project: 2024 Citizen Radiation Measurement Project in Collaboration with France’s IRSN
- Suetsugi Tritium Project: Measuring and confirming tritium levels in seawater with residents of the Suetsugi district, Iwaki, Japan.

by Ryoko Ando The first Dialogue I attended was the “Second Dialogue on the Rehabilitation of Living Conditions after the Fukushima Accident,” held in February 2012. I was invited to make a presentation and also one of the roundtable discussants. I had no idea what a dialogue meeting was nor what I should expect, and […]
by Jacques Lochard Dear participants, welcome to this twenty-first dialogue meeting in Fukushima. Thank you for being here today. I am very happy to be back in Iwaki. The summer is in full swing and despite the strong heat you came once again numerous to listen and to share testimonies of residents who have gone […]
Presented by Anastasia Fiadosenka About Anastasia Fiadosenka Jacques Lochard introduced Anastasia at Dialogue Seminar in Date City on July 9 2017 Anastasia was born in the village of Kaporenka in the Bragin district, Belarus, located only 22 kilometres away from the Chernobyl NPP. (The Bragin district was one of the most affected areas by the […]
Contributed by Astrid Liland Astrid LilandDirector for the Department of Emergency Preparedness and Response at the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Disclaimer: Some of this text was first published in the Annals of the ICRP, Volume 45, Issue 2_suppl, December 2016, pp. 92-98, SAGE journals. 1. Norwegian impressions from the dialogue seminars – […]