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Future Direction of the Fukushima Dialogue

As time has passed since the nuclear accident, the world situation and social conditions have entered a period of great change. Under these circumstances, we have decided on the future direction of the NPO Fukushima Dialogue at the General Assembly as follows.

published on 2022.05.16
Publication on the proceedings of conference by ICRP

Proceedings of the international conference held in December 2020 by ICRP, arguing the recovery of Fukushima after nuclear accident have been published, as “Proceedings of the International Conference on Recovery after Nuclear Accidents: Radiological Protection Lessons from Fukushima and Beyond” (Annals of the ICRP, Vol 50, Issue 1_suppl, July 2021).You can see the whole contents […]

published on 2022.01.28
Available the presentation slides and movies of the 23th Fukushima Dialogue

We have uploaded the presentation slides and movies of the 23th Fukushima Dialogue on 28th Nov. which we obtained the permission to open on the web. Please see them for further information. https://fukushima-dialogue.jp/bk/202111_dialogue_record.html

published on 2021.12.07
Final version of the programme -The 23rd Fukushima Dialogue 28th Nov.

This is the final version of the programme of the Fukushima dialogue in 28th November. For those whom applied to be an audience, we have delivered the Zoom URL via email.In case you do not receive the email from us, please contact to . * Temporally the participant number exceed the limit, but we have […]

published on 2021.11.28
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN -The 23rd Fukushima Dialogue 28th Nov.

NPO Fukushima Dialogue will organize the 23rd Fukushima Dialogue in cooperation with Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS), The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), Japan, French Nuclear Protection Evaluation Centre (CEPN) and French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN). You can see the whole programme online through Zoom and the recorded video. Theme : […]

published on 2021.10.28
[Announcement of participation] Remplex: 2021 Global Summit on Environmental Remediation

Remplex:2021 Global Summit on Environmental Remediation will be held by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in cooperation with the IAEA. The conference will be held entirely as a virtual conference, which can be viewed from anywhere in the world as long as you have an online connection. (English only) In addition to the live webcast, […]

published on 2021.10.28
The 23rd Fukushima Dialogue Agenda

The next Fukushima Dialogue meeting will be held in Sunday 28 November 2021.Here the agenda of the meeting is available. https://fukushima-dialogue.jp/bk/202111_dialogue_agenda_e.pdf

published on 2021.09.29
On the change of ICRP members

The membership of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has changed on first July 2021. As a result, the Chair of the Main Commission, Dr Claire Cousins (UK), and the Vice-Chair, Mr Jacques Lochard (France), have retired. The series of dialogues initiated by ICRP in Fukushima Prefecture after the accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi […]

published on 2021.07.02
About Kiroku Project

2020年、福島県ダイアログ「記録プロジェクト」が始まります。断片的だったこれまでの取り組みを再編集し、次世代に残すべく、新たな記録として編み直し、引き継ぐプロジェクトです。定期的にレポートを公開し、年度末には “報告書籍” を製作いたします。 この事業は、令和2年度 福島県ふるさと・きずな維持・再生支援補助金対象事業として行われます。

published on 2020.12.10