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History of the Dialogue

Since November 2011

In November 2011 the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) organized a meeting in the premises of the Fukushima Prefecture with the title: ʻDialogue on the rehabilitation of living conditions after the Fukushima accidentʼ to make it clear that the issue at stake was the well-being of the inhabitants of Fukushima Prefecture, and not only their fight against radiation.

Given its success, the Dialogue went on during the following years with the support of the Ethos in Fukushima (EIF) group of volunteers. In July 2012 ICRP was invited in the Suetsugi community close to the nuclear power plant at the request of EIF. This was the beginning of a long cooperation between the community and ICRP. 11 other Dialogues were organized by the Commission in different municipalities of the Prefecture between 2011 and 2015.

Since 2016

From 2016 a group of local volunteers took over the organization with the support of ICPR of the following 8 dialogue meetings until 2018, and in July 2019 they created the non-profit organization (NPO) Fukushima Dialogue.

Since 2020

From 2020, the Dialogue meetings are completely in the hands of the NPO which has since organized 4 Dialogue meetings despite the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the NPO is continuing with the Suetsugi community the cooperation initiated by EIF and followed by ICRP until 2019.

All Dialogues are presented below.