On 11 July, Openradiation measurements were carried out in the forests of Kaidomari, Tabitomachi, Iwaki City.
The site where the measurements were taken is the future location of the nature experience facility, ‘Kobito no Mori,’ which is being prepared to open in spring 2025. In addition to offering nature experiences in the forest, a sauna will also be built for visitors to enjoy. It will be a facility where both children and adults can fully immerse themselves in nature.
The owner wanted to ensure that any customer queries about radiation could be properly addressed, so Fukushima Dialogue offered their assistance.
The measurement results are available on the Openradiation website.
〈How to use the Openradiation site〉
Adjust the map of the Openradiarion site to Japan. Zoom in to show the area around Iwaki City.

If you enter ‘kobito’ in the #Yout tag at the bottom of the map, only the measurement results from the Kobito Forest will be displayed on the map.
If you click on the timeline, you will see a graph of the measurement results, as shown above.
Clicking on the ‘Permalink’ above the timeline creates a link to the screen shown on the current map.
Click on CSV FILE on the far right to download detailed information about the measurement results displayed on the map in CSV format.
Natural radiation levels in Japan Source: Geological Society of Japan (accessed 16 July 2024)

About Kobito no Mori
In preparation for their opening in spring 2025, updates on the progress and other information are currently being posted on Instagram. The NPO Fukushima Dialogue will support their radiological safety measures, ensuring that you are in good hands.

🌳To be opened in spring 2025.🌳
Natural Athletic Experience 🪵🍃
Discover the thrill of an untamed forest with its rugged terrain, slopes, and rolling logs.
Immerse yourself in nature, find out how fascinating it is, and enhance your adventurous spirit and sense of well-being!
[⠀ Sauna in the Forest (first in Iwaki!) ⠀]
Enjoy a superb relaxing experience in the great outdoors…