Report on the 23rd Fukushima Dialogue “Thinking together about issues of Fukushima Daiichi treated water”
On 27 November 2021, the non-profit organization (NPO) Fukushima Dialogue held the 23rd Fukushima Dialogue meeting in Naraha Machi, Fukushima Prefecture. The theme was “Sharing the situation surrounding Fukushima Daiichi treated water”. It was the 23rd meeting since the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) launched the ICRP Dialogue in Fukushima Prefecture in 2011, which the NPO Fukushima Dialogue took over in 2019. Held in a hybrid form, it was open to the public and has gathered up to 120 participants. The first part was devoted to presentations related to the theme of the meeting: technical aspects, testimonies about local (institutional or not) and foreign (Korea) perception, experiences from abroad of stakeholder involvement in the nuclear field. The second part was devoted to a structured dialogue between a panel of local citizens. The audience was participatory. This article summarizes the fruitful exchanges during these two days.https://www.radioprotection.org/articles/radiopro/abs/2023/01/radiopro220080/radiopro220080.html
■第23回福島ダイアログ「処理水をめぐる課題を福島で考える 世界と考える」報告